The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides the right to be forgotten or the right to erasure. To submit a request, you need to follow the GDPR right to be forgotten template. This ensures that all the relevant information is communicated to the organisation for removing data.

There is no particular GDRP right to be forgotten template. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to include the necessary details.

In this article, we discuss the template for submitting an erasure request.

Is there a GDPR right to be forgotten template

There is no standard GDPR right to be forgotten template. As per the Information Commissioner’s office, an individual has a lot of flexibility while submitting a right to be forgotten request.

A request under GDPR can be made orally or in a written format. Further, the information can be made to any part or individual of the organisation. There is no requirement of submitting the request to a specific contact person.

Further, while submitting the request, there is no need to specify that it is a right to be forgotten request. It is enough as long as the contents of the request convey this.

Sample GDPR right to be forgotten template

As noted above, there is no specific GDPR right to be forgotten template.

You can refer to the following sample GDPR right to be forgotten template:

  • Details of the contact person: This includes the name, contact information, address, etc., of the person submitting the request for erasure.
  • Details of the data subject: If the person submitting the information is not the data subject, then you will also have to submit the name, contact information, address, etc., of the data subject.
  • Proof of identity: Government issued identity card of both the person submitting the request as well as the data subject.
  • Proof of address: Proof of address can be a bank statement, utility bill, government issued ID, etc. Proof of address of both the data subject and the individual making the request needs to be submitted.
  • Details of data: The specific details of the data which is sought to be removed along with the name and details of the organisation processing it.
  • Reason for submitting a request: A request for erasure can only be made on limited grounds. This is mentioned under Article 17 of the GDPR.
  • Declaration: The final part of any GDPR right to be forgotten template is a declaration that everything mentioned in the request is true.


The right to be forgotten is a powerful right for protecting the privacy of an individual. As noted above, there is no standard GDPR right to be forgotten template. The flexibility is given to ensure easy access to individuals.

If you are submitting a request for the first time, it is a good idea to take the advice of an expert. Such an expert will be able to guide you through the process and ensure speedy removal of data.


1. How do I request the right to be forgotten GDPR?

A right to be forgotten request can be made verbally or in writing to the organization processing your data. There is no prescribed format for making this request.

2. Does GDPR strengthen the right to be forgotten?

The GDPR grants that right to be forgotten within the European Union. Many different countries have also recognized this right in their own legislation.

3. How do you invoke the right to be forgotten?

You can invoke the right to be forgotten by sending an oral or written request. This can be sent to anyone within the organization.

4. Can I force a company to delete my data?

If the processing of your data fulfills the conditions mentioned in Article 17 of the GDPR, then the company will have no choice but to remove data.

5. Can a company refuse to delete your account?

Article 17 of the GDPR provides conditions when the companies can refuse to remove data. For example, if the data is being used to further scientific developments or the public interest.

6. Does the right to be forgotten apply to companies?

Yes, the right to be forgotten applies to any company that processes the data of individuals.



Right to be forgotten lawyer team is working to keep clean the internet. We use laws to repair individual's and company's online reputation. Content removal, online reputation management, erasure right, right to be forgotten are our expertise areas. The team has member's of United United Kingdom, European Countries, United States, Australia, Canada and New Zeland solicitors and lawyers.

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