Personal reputation repair is the key to success in the age of the internet. As per a recent study, 56% of people made decisions about business partners based on online research. Moreover, 44% of the people found something on the internet because they did not work with a business partner.

It is quite clear that personal reputation significantly affects your personal and professional life. These days, everyone has access to the internet, and they are not shy to use it. Due to this reason, it is crucial you present your best foot forward on the internet.

In this article, we discuss everything related to personal reputation repair.

Is personal reputation repair possible?

The short answer is that personal reputation repair is possible. The long answer – it takes time and effort. This is not something that works overnight.

The process of personal reputation repair depends on the case. Different strategies are used based on the problems suffered by the client. Generally speaking, the end goal is to optimize positive content and increase the number of users reading it. At the same time, suppress or remove negative content.

How do I conduct personal reputation repair?

Personal reputation repair is a difficult task. It is ideal that you hire a reputation management expert to help with this. However, you can still take some steps to improve your online reputation.

Search Engine Optimization

As per Advanced Web Ranking, about 71.33% of the users read content on the first page of search results. It’s quite shocking to note that only 5.59% of the users actually read something from the second page.

You can use this information to your advantage. Make sure you publish optimised content that ranks on the first page. This will ensure that most readers never access the negative content about you.

Control the narrative

Running a personal website or a blog is a great idea. This gives you control over the story you wish to put forward. We recommend that you assess your goals for personal reputation repair before publishing content.

For example, your goal is to showcase your commercial awareness to potential employers. In this case, it makes perfect sense to start a blog where you publish articles on this topic. This will redirect the attention of the employer to your blog as opposed to reading unverified posts on the internet.

Tackle the issues

Personal reputation repair is difficult due to the cover of anonymity offered by the internet. Therefore, finding the identity of the author or publisher becomes very important. Once you have this information, you should directly contact the author.

A good start is to request the voluntary removal of information. While it is unlikely that the information will be removed, it is worth a try.


Personal reputation repair has the potential of improving your personal and professional life. In today’s day, online reputation affects every person. You should not make the mistake of excluding yourself from the group.

If you believe that your online reputation is reducing opportunities, you should immediately contact a personal reputation management company.


  1. How do I fix my personal online reputation?

You should hire a personal reputation repair agency. This will give you insights on the issues suffered along with a detailed strategy for improving online reputation.

  1. How do I repair a damaged business reputation?

Focus on removing negative information and publishing positive content. The strategy is to push negative content away from the users such that they can only access positive content.

  1. What is personal reputation management?

Personal reputation management includes a wide range of services. These are undertaken to repair the client’s reputation by removing negative content, adding positive content, promoting the client’s work, etc.

  1. Is personal reputation repair possible?

Yes! The content circulated on the web is constantly changing. This means that you can take actions to stop readers from accessing negative content and redirect their attention to positive content.

  1. Why is personal reputation important?

80% per cent of people search for their colleagues, friends and spouses online. This means that online reputation drastically affects your personal and professional life. Maintaining a positive online reputation is key to success in the internet era.


Right to be forgotten lawyer team is working to keep clean the internet. We use laws to repair individual's and company's online reputation. Content removal, online reputation management, erasure right, right to be forgotten are our expertise areas. The team has member's of United United Kingdom, European Countries, United States, Australia, Canada and New Zeland solicitors and lawyers.

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